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Trained and Tailed

"I really was trying to find a job!" I objected, yelling.

"Do not raise your voice at me!" Master warned, "And from now on you will address me as master and only speak when spoken to. You are lucky I let you speak at all. Kittens do not speak. Do you understand?"

"And what happens if I don't?"

Master looked angry. He walked over to the closet, but I could not see what he was getting. He came back and opened the cage door, "Come out here kitten, I am going to show you what happens to bad kitties."

I tried to rush out and make a run for it. But, he was expecting this. He grabbed me as I did and slammed me face first into the carpet. Before I could do anything he was kneeling on my back and hand cuffing my hands together. Now I was stuck. I couldn't move my arms to fight back or even lift myself up. Then a ball gag was inserted into my mouth, it hurt with how wide my jaw had to stretch to get around it, and then I was muffled unable to speak.

"See, what happens when kittens speak when they are not supposed to?" I nodded helplessly. "Good, I do not want to hurt my kitten."

Master held what appeared to be a large black collar in front of me, complete with a little bell on it. He smiled at me, "This is yours now. You will wear it always, even when you are allowed to leave and go to public. I am your owner now, and you are my pet, and I want to make sure you and everyone else knows it."

With that he strapped it around my neck. It was tight, but I was still able to breathe fine. He then held a leash up in front of me, "This is your new leash. Until you are trained so that I know that you will not try to run away, you will only be allowed out of your cage when I have it on you."

Master put the leash on my collar, and subsequently undid my hand cuffs so that I could lift myself up. I went to stand up but he pushed me back down to my knees, "No, no kitty. Once you know you are a kitten you are allowed to walk again. Until you learn that lesson you have to crawl on your knees."

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